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Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Tilers Websites and Web Design for Wall and Floor Tilers

Let us know who does your web design work. Please feel free to link to them, quote their prices, etc.

Give us some information about what services they provide and what services you've taken with them. Whether a simple website, a full website package with online marketing, perhaps they optimised your websites for search engine traffic.

Let us know how it's worked out for you. Whether they've done well or you're thinking of changing etc.


my web site has been up and running for few months now. I have only had two calls but both found me because of key words that have been inserted seen or unseen.
one could lead to a 20k contract so i am encouraged.
I actually made the web site so i could point clients to it when quoting for new work so they could see what i do.
This has definitely got me a number of jobs which i might not have won if prospective clients could not see my previous work.
So i think the visual shots of work definitely help which is why i have so many images .
I can also see that by naming particular stones this will bring me in leads in time.
signed on for google analytics and it is an amazing site giving so much info about who and what people are looking at on my site.
I am yet to get my first job from someone who has found me on internet but I am optimistic.


That is a nice site ! ive had my site now since before xmas and slowly worked my was up the rankings for my keywords , how many visits a day are you getting ? i get a phone call every other day from people who have found me on google , a website in my eyes is the best way to go about getting work nowadays, ive turned down really really big jobs that have contacted me through my website.

Ceramico tiling

WORD PRESS IS AMAZING!! Been messing around with it for a few months now and it just gets better and better.Once the basics are understood you can do anything you want with your website.Its free,there are plugins for anything you could ever want on your site.Contact forms,sliders,galleries,SEO plugins,google site map plugins,just to name a few of thousands!!...sooo much better than these Wix (DIY) type jobs.


Evening all.....

updating my company website at the mo' old one was Flash.....not good with all these mobile devices!!!......that said I have done a few in HTML and they are just not "right" is my latest......

is there anything you would add.....or lose?

there are still a few bugs to iron out.....let me know your experience of should work perfectly on your phone, pad or computer!!!!!!

all the best

see you later

Click here to view!


Evening all.....

updating my company website at the mo' old one was Flash.....not good with all these mobile devices!!!......that said I have done a few in HTML and they are just not "right" is my latest......

is there anything you would add.....or lose?

there are still a few bugs to iron out.....let me know your experience of should work perfectly on your phone, pad or computer!!!!!!

all the best

see you later

Click here to view!


Hi Lee.
Loved looking at your website. I am a glutton for style and both the work you display and the website design looks very stylish. But there is nothing there that tells potential customers where you are and what area you cover. That ultimately makes the website a brochure and not a marketing tool. Is that what you intended?


At long last, our website is completed! Had it up & running for ages, but it was always quite clunky and was a flash based website (could not be played on apple products). This is now sorted and is hosted through 1&1 (wordpress based).

Any suggestions or thoughts are very welcome (I did it myself so I wont give up the day job just yet!)
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At long last, our website is completed! Had it up & running for ages, but it was always quite clunky and was a flash based website (could not be played on apple products). This is now sorted and is hosted through 1&1 (wordpress based).

Any suggestions or thoughts are very welcome (I did it myself so I wont give up the day job just yet!)

I would balance up the phone numbers in the header .. oh and turn comments off to stop spammers..


I would balance up the phone numbers in the header .. oh and turn comments off to stop spammers..

Cheers dave. A difficult one really as I have deliberately gone to great lengths to get the site suitable to view on PC's, android & iPhones. The site changes slightly in each different type of device. On my laptop & iPad it is balanced up, yet on the iPhone it is as you say.


Keeping the comments on (for now anyway) as I pay my wife a wage to do something, oh and I quite enjoy reading the emails from young Philippine refugees who want me to wire them £175 to help their sick kitten! Seriously though, I find its worth it to allow customers to leave testimonials. It won't take many more spam emails to make me turn that function off though!
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Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
At long last, our website is completed! Had it up & running for ages, but it was always quite clunky and was a flash based website (could not be played on apple products). This is now sorted and is hosted through 1&1 (wordpress based).

Any suggestions or thoughts are very welcome (I did it myself so I wont give up the day job just yet!)

I'd make the logo smaller, you want your visitors to hit the content ASAP. I'd turn comments off also, as Dave says. I'd also use the extra two spaces in the footer to A) stick the latest 5 or so posts/pages and B) to stick category pages for the blog area.
I'd also use the blog, well too. Post often and post about all sorts tiling-wise, just categorise them well.

I'd also post about every job going, and then link to them from every forum and website going. You want common regular links from decent websites. You'd get a lot of extra traffic from that. More than you'd assume as it works in a few ways. So the output is by a factor of three compared to the input.


Cheers Dan. I have reduced the logo size slightly as you suggested. The comments I am leaving on for the moment as my customers do use it. Older people find it far easier to fill out an online form rather than compose an email.
As for the footer...... I have deliberately put a twitter & Facebook feed at the bottom to act as my blog. My spare time is spent with my family & friends rather than endlessly typing away on the laptop. I don't want duplication of everything. I put it on my social sites and it shows on my footer widgets.
Thanks for the suggestion Dan, but will leave as is for the mo ta


Buy a domain, use a good host like daily and install wordpress. Get a theme that you like from theme forest or similar such as Dandelion - Powerful Elegant WordPress Theme Preview - ThemeForest

it should cost you about £60 all in and give you a slick site with a blog function where you can post pictures.

Caveat is that you cannot be completely clueless when it comes to computers.

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