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Save or scrap JOTM

Discuss Save or scrap JOTM in the Job of the Month Competition (JOTM) area at

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The recent low entries and poor number of votes for the entries make me wonder if the JOTM has run its course.
In the past reasons for members not entering was purely that they had seen early entries and thought they could not compete.
But why the low voting ?

Any thoughts? Is it worth saving?
Anyone with pictures they wish to show can still do so in Show your work thread.
Personally I want it to stay but I also want to see the members show their appreciation for their fellow tilers.

The Legend; Phil Hobson RIP

Neale I for one would like to see jotm stay, I love to see other tilers work, maybe the general down turn in work has had an effect on the number of entries. I must admit I don't get as many challenging jobs as I used to.

But I have said in the past I would rather see a perfectly executed splash back, than a poorly set out geo job or shiny bathroom that is not quite up to scratch. So I say long live jotm and joty. Just my opinion. I agree about the lack of votes though.:thumbsup:


Votes : Do you not send out email to members when voting opens..?... As for JOTM ... i have said what IMO might get entries but i've left that with Admin.

It is only meant to be for fun and the bonus of winning ,, Don't make it more than it is.. let it run and there might be good months ofr entries and there might be bad months for entries , it is as said only a fun thread..

It takes time for Admin to run it but that is what being an admin is.. running things.


keep it neale. jotm is one of the pluses on this forum that stands it out.
i reckon the low votes will just be a sticky patch and it will improve very soon..light nights and optimism returning etc ;0)

i have 2 ideas for a revamp...

1. you could have a points system for entering
.the winner gets the over all title and 10 pts
.every entry gets 5 points just for taking part

you could have a little league table for a bit of fun and competetive spirit. this way there's an incentive for entering a splash back or a step. enter every month and you get 5 points and rise up the table..even if you never win jotm, you could still finish high up the overall table.

idea 2
.you could have more than 1 winner? due to a few categories ie

1. stone tiling 2. bathroom renovation 3. general tiling

so if you get a great entry like eduardos, you will still enter your bathroom tiling/renovation because it will be judged in a seperate section (if its porcelain/ceramic and not stone!! or even if you do a step in quarry tiles, then that might stand a chance in the general tiling section..

you could still apply points here too!

anyway, just thought i'd throw some ideas in the hat to help out.


I want it to stay, I have only just entered my first job on there in Jan, some guy called Eduardo entered a half bodged average job and won...... Go figure!!!!!

Seriously though I think it's a great thing on the forum, I do think most hold back on the entry because they don't think they have a chance. I will be entering more that's for certain. As for the low votes, that's a strange one, could it not be set up so members get an e-mail if they don't log on often telling them to vote?

The Legend; Phil Hobson RIP

I don't agree Gus mate , all jobs that you are proud of should entered ... not just Geo floors etc..

I agree Dave any job should be entered imo, I have always thought jotm can inspire all of us, from a simple half tiled bathroom to a massive industrial floor. We all learn from them, that is the beauty of our trade, no two jobs are the same and no two tilers will go about them in the same way.

I love to see the step by step pics of prep etc, I have entered loads of times knowing my job has no chance of winning, but hope that they might be of interest to some people, as other enteries always interest me. It is good to make up the numbers sometimes. Then again I still love tiling, and seeing other tilers work, I know I'm sad but there you go.:smilewinkgrin::thumbsup:

Alan M

as someone who isnt tiling everyday adn doesnt do any of those fancy jobs . it is great to see them. they are a real insperation to all of us .

i like the points system. but i would award 25 points for 1st and 15 for second and 5 for entering.

i think 5 and 10 is too close. i could enter every month and end up with more points than a true artist tiler, some of the mosaic jobs are stunning and take months(there was one in a chuch a few months ago that was great)
i usually only vote when i feel i realy need to show my admiration of great jobs. i mean to vote more often


rules need to tightened up in my opinion , some of the jobs entered are obviously the work of a team of guys done over several weeks/months ,that is fair enough and they are amazing jobs but it isnt fair on the jobbing one man band tilers who post prep work pictures and put all their time and effort in to a bathroom to be trumped by a job which has been a team effort which has been photographed months after it was finished and date proofed with a copy of a newspaper, no wonder no one is entering
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