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New Years Resolution.

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Old Mod

Mine is to get fitter and loose weight.
Packed in smoking 2 years ago and piled the pounds on so time to loose it now.

Your turn....:D

Good for u mate! Hope u succeed!

And to be nicer to my fellow
(Might struggle with that one)..;)

Hahahahaha will u succeed at this one I ask myself?


there was once an old tiler Italian, that at age 50 he decided to enroll in a forum, but this forum were writing in a sistem strange.
after a few months old and the poor tiler when he sent messages with smartphones, he wrote them in the same language that read in the forum. TMPO, LOL, TBH, IMO, BECHAUSE, SAME, MARC, TILE, tilers, TAX, ETC ETC.
people who received messages from smartphones began to think that tiler gone crazy.
(mi really happens)
50 years to learn Italian language down the drain.
unfortunately this is the reality. (but I'm glad)

White Room

there was once an old tiler Italian, that at age 50 he decided to enroll in a forum, but this forum were writing in a sistem strange.
after a few months old and the poor tiler when he sent messages with smartphones, he wrote them in the same language that read in the forum. TMPO, LOL, TBH, IMO, BECHAUSE, SAME, MARC, TILE, tilers, TAX, ETC ETC.
people who received messages from smartphones began to think that tiler gone crazy.
(mi really happens)
50 years to learn Italian language down the drain.
unfortunately this is the reality. (but I'm glad)

It's taken me 59 years to learn the English language and still screw up at times:rolleyes:

White Room

To be honest I will be 60 next year and if you think I'm going to be crawling around on my hands and knees ain't going to be happening.

Enough is enough, I'm sick to death of arseoles who think that waiting 30 days is the norm, I never want to see another dust sheet ever and many reasons.

So that's my new resolution and it will happen.


To be honest I will be 60 next year and if you think I'm going to be crawling around on my hands and knees ain't going to be happening.

Enough is enough, I'm sick to death of arseoles who think that waiting 30 days is the norm, I never want to see another dust sheet ever and many reasons.

So that's my new resolution and it will happen.

Andy Allen

To be honest I will be 60 next year and if you think I'm going to be crawling around on my hands and knees ain't going to be happening.

Enough is enough, I'm sick to death of arseoles who think that waiting 30 days is the norm, I never want to see another dust sheet ever and many reasons.

So that's my new resolution and it will happen.
You jacking it all in ?


I shall be training really hard this year, last year I ruptured my ACL and am recovering well, but aiming to be fully fit by the end of the year. Fully fit to me is running the Dorset Coastal Path Marathon. I won't be doing it again, it took me 7 hours and was the worst thing I have ever done, but just being able to run for a good 3 hours will be a bonus.
(I'll be not drinking in January, and trying to drop my Christmas Gut for the first few months)
I'd also like to be able to manage muscle-ups and a human flag.......been trying on and off for years.....time to nail it!
Oh - and finally finish off the flat.....and relax!

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