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Was on a regular site today. The only other trade in the house were the two sparks doing their second fix. Thought this summed their day up well:

7.30am: Apply hair gel and navy trousers.
8.30am: Tune site radio to Radio 1, even though another station is already on.
10.30am: Despite having a full house to do, insist that you need to work where the tiler is.
10.35am: Wait until the tiler has gone for tiles and set your ladder in the shower tray.
10.50am: Leave all cores and wire cuttings lying where they drop, ideally over the tiler's freshly brushed floor.
12am: Isolate power with no warning or alternative, say it'll be on again after lunch if anyone dares ask.
1.30pm: Set ladder on freshly laid tiles.
3.15pm: Tell tiler that his tiles have moved (after setting).
4.00pm: Remove the wet saw from the tiler's extension lead and plug in charger.
4.30pm: Strip all cable for scrap and leave all sleeves on the ground, along with related packaging, cardboard boxes etc.
5.00pm: Prepare for more complete disregard on site tomorrow as the Hilti goes into the van.

What is it with sparks? Surely the most obnoxious trade going.
Love the hair gel bit Peter lol. Maybe I'm jealous as my hairline has started making a dash for the back of my head!!! Lol. On another note, the radio is a pet hate of mine. My radio is beside me and I can hear it but god love anyone who touches it!!!! But to have one at the far end of a house that you can hear better than your own 3 feet away ..... has ta be a painter or a spark!! Shower of uneducated c###s :(


Love the hair gel bit Peter lol. Maybe I'm jealous as my hairline has started making a dash for the back of my head!!! Lol. On another note, the radio is a pet hate of mine. My radio is beside me and I can hear it but god love anyone who touches it!!!! But to have one at the far end of a house that you can hear better than your own 3 feet away ..... has ta be a painter or a spark!! Shower of uneducated c###s :(

Have you ever met a spark who doesn't gel his hair Aidy? Most seem to put on plenty of aftershave too. Bit over the top for going on to a mucky wet building site. :lol:

I wouldn't mind if they played U105 or Uncle Hugo but it's always Radio 1 and Fern Cotton. I'm beginning to think that Makita radios only pick up English stations whatever band they're on, either that or sparks just like ****e music..
How did you keep your cool mate???

Let's just say my dad was the same and not a big fan of noise, well unessesary noise anyway. Seen him send a red (Well splatter coloured to be precise ) twin cassette skillfully into a bucket of water one day. It's over ten years ago but it was one of those moments that will stay with me forever. It was going with different station to ours in kitchen we were tiling. They were in a bedroom. Typical numbskull solution..... Turn it up louder instead of taking it to were you were working. " hi lad, that's my radio ".... " aye , is it? Well take it to f### out of my bucket of water and down to the f #####g room your paintin in" :roflmao:

Apparently this had been the norm for the two days previous until he got fed up. It was a MasterCard moment.... Priceless

Oh and speechless painters lol.
Was on a regular site today. The only other trade in the house were the two sparks doing their second fix. Thought this summed their day up well:

7.30am: Apply hair gel and navy trousers.
8.30am: Tune site radio to Radio 1, even though another station is already on.
10.30am: Despite having a full house to do, insist that you need to work where the tiler is.
10.35am: Wait until the tiler has gone for tiles and set your ladder in the shower tray.
10.50am: Leave all cores and wire cuttings lying where they drop, ideally over the tiler's freshly brushed floor.
12am: Isolate power with no warning or alternative, say it'll be on again after lunch if anyone dares ask.
1.30pm: Set ladder on freshly laid tiles.
3.15pm: Tell tiler that his tiles have moved (after setting).
4.00pm: Remove the wet saw from the tiler's extension lead and plug in charger.
4.30pm: Strip all cable for scrap and leave all sleeves on the ground, along with related packaging, cardboard boxes etc.
5.00pm: Prepare for more complete disregard on site tomorrow as the Hilti goes into the van.

What is it with sparks? Surely the most obnoxious trade going.

Sounds more like they fancied you, Hair gel , stripping in bathroom, leaving his mess every where. what was on the radio "Right said fred" :lol:

Time's Ran Out

I don't think it's fair just to pick on sparks!
It's the attitude of all trades that come into my space that gets my blood to boil. Conservatory lads asked to plug into my extension yesterday and within 2 hours they'd blown the power, rerouted the source and cut me off! A few choice words later and normal service was resumed.
Everyone just looks after themselves these days and I'am afraid it's making me even grumpier than I was 40 years ago.
If the plumber gets in my way tomorrow like today , I may even start drinking tea!

John Benton

I don't think it's fair just to pick on sparks!
It's the attitude of all trades that come into my space that gets my blood to boil. Conservatory lads asked to plug into my extension yesterday and within 2 hours they'd blown the power, rerouted the source and cut me off! A few choice words later and normal service was resumed.
Everyone just looks after themselves these days and I'am afraid it's making me even grumpier than I was 40 years ago.
If the plumber gets in my way tomorrow like today , I may even start drinking tea!

Would be a wise choice TJ you may even like it!!!!
It's got to the point where I automatically get in bad form when I see another trade regardless who they are coming onto a job. Especially at 9 am when you've enjoyed the peaceful ambience of your own making for an hour previous.. I find though if I can strike up conversation first and meet them head on it helps establish a bit of parity and understanding. I feel like 36 going on 76 lol

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