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Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I would consider the pricing up period to be in most cases, the first point of face-to-face contact so in most cases I would say the 'first impressions' count so in my own opinion I'd say I'd only want those to work for me who made the effort to, at the very least changed their shoes to a cleaner pair if not changed fully in to clean presentable clothes.

I wouldn't say a clip board and a new set of pens in the top pocket of a freshly iron tux is needed though :)

Anybody have thoughts or stories on this subject?


Admin said:
I would consider the pricing up period to be in most cases, the first point of face-to-face contact so in most cases I would say the 'first impressions' count so in my own opinion I'd say I'd only want those to work for me who made the effort to, at the very least changed their shoes to a cleaner pair if not changed fully in to clean presentable clothes.

I wouldn't say a clip board and a new set of pens in the top pocket of a freshly iron tux is needed though :)

Anybody have thoughts or stories on this subject?
I agree with that if it's a quote given after work hours, but I think that some customers like to see that you have actually came from a job and not straight from your home.:)

View attachment 60970


Would you wear different gear for pricing up to the gear you work in etc?
all of my work wear is co-ordinated and i find customers love it,you cant sit down and have a brew if you are covered in *****,we do our estimates on an evening anyway,i can sneak of to the battle cruizer{boozer} for a quick pint aswell ,hope the missus dont read this;)
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Very good topic this, I'd be interested to hear other peoples takes on this subject too.
We covered this kind of thing on the North East Training course and all pretty much agreed that there are certain things you can do to raise a customers appreciation of you and heighten the chance you have of securing the job in hand. Things like using those plastic over shoes like you get in new show homes when you go to see them. As L&R has said have some personalised work wear on to show your a real professional and not some pikey. Take off shoes at the door (should over shoes not be available). Wear cover/over alls during the day to keep your clothes clean so you can go straight to a quoatation from a job if need be.
I've just got my stationery back from the printers too (helps being a graphic designer by trade) which I think will go a long way to drive home the image of professionalism. Everything bears the company logo and is branded throughout. Just looks a lot better when a quote is sent out on letter headed paper than on a scrap or envelope back or similar. Quotes will also be sent out with a matching business card and comp slip to finish of the image.
Come on then let's have some more ideas.


Getting back onto the thread, i remember reading about a survey that was done a couple of years ago. People were asked outside a trade/public exhibition, why they didn't buy on the day. Eighty One percent said the salesmans breath or hygiene was stinking.

Although there has been a few good ideas, i.e corporate logo on your clothing, shoe covers etc, a quick spray of the deodorant, brush of the teeth and hair (if you have any) would go a long way.

A kitchen company didn't get our business for the above reasons, plus they were too f***ing dear!!!



Depends when I go like bri .
On way home in my clay suit or at night in my jeans and t shirt.
I always go in my van now though, I once turned up on a Sunday to look at a job in the car, can't remember but I think it was a BMW X3,it was brand new anyhow, walked into price it , nice house in posh area, 1st thing he said was
" since when have plasterers been earning enough to have a car like that"
Did his head in it was newer than his merc , never got the job, even if I did I wouldn't have done it, can't stand snobs .

Old Mod

Very rarely quote on my way home, not always ready for it mentally, likely to be a bit stressed at the best of times. Especially if I've used public transport:D
I also have a 'thing' for NOT looking like a tiler. All too often u see guys caked in adhesive all up and down themselves, I'm sorry but that's just not me! I try not only to work clean but STAY clean too! Haha sorry if I'm offending anyone, but it's just the way I am! I struggle to see the need to get filthy dirty. I am talking generally by the way :) of course there are days when it's unavoidable, I realise that, normally when I step backwards into a bucket of sticky! Haha
Always dress smart for quotes and I'm already wearing overshoes before they open the door, that always goes down well.

Andy Allen

Do most quotes on the way home covered in whatever I've been doing......they can choose a grout colour off my

I think most customers like to see your an honest hard working tradesman.....and your reputation and what you say during the quote should win the job not what your waering...
Just my take on it...:)


I turned up to start a job once and the homeowner said that he knew my work would be neat and tidy, I asked what made him say that and he relplied, because your van is spotless and your tools are clean. Only happened once but, it proves that 1st impressions are important.
yes @Bri .
It happened to me,your tools are clean ,I also vacuum cleaner in the van :)
Had a chap to put me some shelves up in the cuboard in the bathroom ,nice fella nice clean van and all that,had to put some boarding up at the bath end if you will inside the cuboard before battons for shelves ,had all the stuff here all he had to do was the job,then he tells me ive got a small leak on the pipes and he gad to go get a compression joint or something ,had a look ,he,d put the board up and drilled through pipe ,i have a clean van but i also kmow my job thats what im meaning, its not everything


Had a chap to put me some shelves up in the cuboard in the bathroom ,nice fella nice clean van and all that,had to put some boarding up at the bath end if you will inside the cuboard before battons for shelves ,had all the stuff here all he had to do was the job,then he tells me ive got a small leak on the pipes and he gad to go get a compression joint or something ,had a look ,he,d put the board up and drilled through pipe ,i have a clean van but i also kmow my job thats what im meaning, its not everything
Yeah I get what you're saying, most bankers dress smart and drive clean flashy cars but, you wouldn't want one in your house :tearsofjoy:

Rizzle from the Portizzle

you need to ask your selfs who are these clients were did they get your number were you recomended have they
seen your work or did they just troll the inter web looking for a cheap quote .never lost a job allways recomended
all ways priced up there and then on the spot .total covered in adhesive and grout on the way home .could have turned up with the devil and still got the job never dropped my price.if asked to do it cheaper just said show me
what bits you want bogged up .if they showed me walk away .no i want it done proprely well thats what i priced for .dont ever go to price a job thinking your lucky .they are lucky you you turned up.and they better be realy happy to see you .offer you tea or coffee on the spot .your clients are no better than you no matter how big there
houses or cars .your there because they cant do it .and deep down they respect that .all ways look them in the eyes your there equale rember that always.

AD Ceramics

Thank god I don't do much domestic work, recommended jobs I don't think the customer gives a damn what you are wearing especially if you tell them you have come straight from site, I understand what every post says and image is everything if that's the work you undertake, like you say first impressions are everything but I'm a little like @Ray TT @ Porcel-Thin in my thinking.


It works both ways, i turned up to price a job in the new motor the other month, just to basically see what he would say,
1st thing he said
"you must charge too much"
Yup i do :thumbsup:

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