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Cost of living has gone up to 3.3%

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Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Rising food and energy prices have pushed UK consumer inflation to its fastest rate since the measure began in 1997, government figures have shown.
The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) measure of annual inflation was 3.3% in May, up from 3% the previous month, said the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
The rise means that the Bank of England governor must explain to the chancellor its policy for controlling price rises.
The wider Retail Prices Index rose to 4.3% from 4.2% in April.
The biggest contributor to consumer inflation was the rising price of food and non-alcoholic drinks, the ONS said.
This was mainly due to the increasing cost of meat products, particularly bacon, and vegetables.
Increasing household energy bills were also a significant factor, along with the rising cost of books, stationery and foreign holidays. However, this rise in the cost of leisure and recreation was offset by a fall in the price of DVDs, according to the ONS.
Further rises?
Some analysts have predicted that CPI could reach 4% this year.
If inflation rises more than one percentage point above the government's 2% target, the Bank of England governor must write a letter to the government to explain what action it is taking to control consumer prices.

The Bank governor Mervyn King has had to write such a letter to the chancellor only once before, when inflation hit 3.1% in April 2007.
Mr King is likely to blame significant rises in international commodity prices.
"This would almost certainly be the first of several letters, as consumer price inflation looks well set to reach 4% this summer before starting to fall back late in the year," said Howard Archer, UK economist at Global Insight.
Economic slowdown
The higher than expected rise in consumer price inflation has transformed expectations for interest rates, according to the BBC's Economics Editor, Hugh Pym.

The BBC's Declan Curry announces the inflation rise

Confident talk of two or more cuts in borrowing costs from the present level of 5% has been replaced by forecasts of unchanged or even higher rates in the months ahead, our editor says.
Mr King and his colleagues are unlikely to cut interest rates further until they are convinced that the inflationary threat has passed - despite pleas from those struggling in the housing market.

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CTD Marie

This is crazy how do they expect some people to suvive.

They keep increasing prices on living but peoples incomes are not increasing at the same rate if at all.

If the raise carries on with the fuel people won't be able to afford to drive to and from work.

They need to sit down in their nice plush warm houses while their eating the fab dinner and have a real good think at what they are doing to Britain. and change things quick.


totally agree,this is shambolic,,i recently quit my job as a head chef to pursue a career in tiling yet my wage i left as a chef was almost the same as it was 8 years ago,,in the last 8 years house prices have doubled almost trebled and the cost of living is bordering on impossible with most people now in serious debt,,i just cannot see how this is going to get better at all infact i think it will get you guys think this may have a knock on effect on household incomes which will in turn affect work for tilers out there im sure it will.


These situations come and go in cycles. This is the third time round for me. The problem arises when people have overstretched themselves and leave no comfort zone. The current rises in fuel are horrendous but the government is in a position to do something about it by lowering fuel duty however, they are unlikely to do so until crunch time when their popularity sinks so low they will have to do something. It is currently costing £117 to fill my van compared with £84 a few months back this adds up to a 39% increase but worse still there a promise of more to come. Years ago in the early 80's mortgage rates went to 16% now thats a frightening thought. On the upside I think many people are realising how difficult the situation is and therefore now contemplating staying on in their homes and carrying out improvements as opposed to moving. This can only be a good thing for tile Fixers surely?


tiler burden

that is what happens when you have a government who base its strength on over borrowing to sustain growth. you end up with a fragile economy and nothing to show for it except debt. as i have said before, it will get worse before it gets better. we all just have to adapt, reform and cut back in certain areas. you can defo see petrol going even higher and the more the news bang on about the cost of living rising then the more it will rise because there'll be a knock on effect. every food, utility, insurance company will all be spouting the same thing, except construction, engineering and retailing which will continue to suffer...good time to think about australia again. they may have the same problems but at least they got the beaches and the weather lol


My local garage has just put diesel up another 2p a ltr.........:furious3:..

we need more than fuel strikes.......
so far in the last 2 weeks my local garages have snook up from £108 - £1.17p. WTF!!!:furious3: i thought the budget used to be once a year not twice a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

john t

i paid 1.18 for unleaded today.........ffs, only last week it was 1.15..........the big question.....should we give in to brown the clown and the rest of his loony party (at the moment we are.......why?????????). no feckin way i see what the euro countrys do....they strike to get a result! our country is totaly bolloxed, you simply havent got the time to strike.........your work ethics wont allow/dictate that. in other word they have got you by the crown jewels again. this country, based on my obsevation has practically gone past the point of NO RETURN!!!!!!! no matter what which party you elect now......they ARE all faced with the same scenario........NO ANSWER to solve (ALL) problems....REMEMBER THE PENSION FIASCO to name one, let alone all this schite we are taking aboard!
rant over (for now!!!!!) before i throw this commy at brown the clown, and his a**wipe crew!:furious3::furious3::furious3::furious3::furious3::furious3::mad2::mad2::mad2::mad2:

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