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Acrylic Resin over porcelain floor

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Has anyone heard of this and what is it?

We've got some pretty shabby B&Q porcelain tiles laid a year ago, they're pretty awful, bowed on most corners and have a haze to them, they've never looked great and we're looking at options of sorting them.

Someone mentioned that theres floor specialists who can apply an acrylic resin which can in some cases level the floor out, but also bring back a shine and is more hard wearing to scratches?


There are certainly acrylic resins that can offer a highgloss to a concrete floor and protect it from scratches. It is entirely likely that such resins also exist to go over tiles but I have not come across one personally. Not sure about the levelling though as it would need to be quite deep and the depth variable ad that would affect the colour and opacity....

Mark S

I would not use a resin system to level the floor, that would be expensive. If the tiles are still well bonded,you may be able to remove the gloss etc from the tiles with an STR sanding machine or shot blast, enough for a levelling renovation screed to hold to after priming first. You could then apply an resin coat to that.
There are a number of manufacturers who could assist you with a spec, and have the materials to do this, Mapei being one, I would take advice from them, but it is do-able
It depends on what sort of finish you want, and how much you want to spend, there are loads of very contractors I can let have numbers for.

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