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Deleted member 9966

this is me at 26 weeks

Deleted member 9966

OMG, being pregnant is one of the nicest things a woman will ever go through but there aint half some bad stuff to go along with it!

Monday morning I woke up with dead arms. Well, wrists to be precise. Burning sensations, horrific pain, tight muscles, you name it, it was hurting me, purely in my wrists. I could move my fingers and arms without any pain, but putting pressure on my wrists and I was crying. I tried to grin and bear it, tried what little pain killing stuff I could take and had the worst night's sleep on Monday night in years. In fact, I don't ever recall being in so much pain that I couldn't sleep. Apparently, carpal tunnel syndrome in pregnancy is quite common.... lovely. So I've just had 2 days off work, avoided the computer, and just rested my arms on the 2 fluffiest pilllows I could find. The pain is subsiding now, the swelling has almost gone and I actually feel like I've got the use of my arms, wrists and hands back. :mad2:

And then today, I've been for 28 week blood tests plus an Anti-D injection because of my blood type and they took the blood from one arm and injected the Anti-D into the other :incazzato: marvellous! and tomorrow I'm back in the see the consultant so that they can check my blood pressure and check the size of the baby... most people can see the size of the baby just by looking at the size of me :lol:

oh the wonderful miracle that is human reproduction... roll on July when I can get my body back :grin:

Deleted member 9966

Goes with the territory GRR... but all will pail into significance when you get to hold mini GRR. As for getting your body back in July, you've no chance with a baby/parasite that constantly wants to feed. Maybe July next

Ps.. I mean "parasite" in the nicest possible way as that essentially what they are when breast feeding....

Strangely, Mr GRR has been referring to Baby GRR as a parasite too. At least BGRR is a super cute and wanted parasite :lol:


exciting times gary/GRR.
just dont do what i did.:smilewinkgrin:
1st time we had baby thought i was calm/collected, maternity bag ready for the gf.
lucosade,change of cloths,nappies, little snacks everthing the midwive said would be realy usefull on the day including maternity notes.

labour starts, i flap around,more nervous than my gf and forget everything notes,the lock stock and barrel:mad2:
luckly the old queen bee came to the rescue and brought the lot the next day .
but i still felt a right plonker when midwife asked me if i had brought the stuff.:lol:
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Deleted member 9966

wow, those scan images are fab Nick. congratulations about expecting a son. I still can't get over how many people I know of who are having babies this year.

Tomorrow we start overhauling BGRR's bedroom. Walls need stripping of paper, carpet is to be ripped up, start with a blank canvas. I'm looking for some actual baby/nursery wallpaper but all places seem to stock is baby style borders. I really fancy papering the whole room in some kind of zoo/jungle theme, but can't find any paper that fits the bill. And because we've got to strip off some horrific blown vinyl wallpaper which we know is covering almost black walls, I dread to think what shape the walls underneath will be in when we start tomorrow :yikes:


Are you involved with stripping the wallpaper, Liz? Please don't do any stretching with the scraper along the wall, stretching in awkward ways can cuase troubles - I know, I was 5 months pregnant and decided to paint a low cottage ceiling, (as I'm tall, 5'8") it didn't seem too difficult, and I nearly lost my baby, had to stay in hospital for 5 days, flat on my back. Was told at the time that stretching is the worst you can do, and no I hadn't known, so please don't do it.

Deleted member 9966

Are you involved with stripping the wallpaper, Liz? Please don't do any stretching with the scraper along the wall, stretching in awkward ways can cuase troubles - I know, I was 5 months pregnant and decided to paint a low cottage ceiling, (as I'm tall, 5'8") it didn't seem too difficult, and I nearly lost my baby, had to stay in hospital for 5 days, flat on my back. Was told at the time that stretching is the worst you can do, and no I hadn't known, so please don't do it.

It's ok G. hubby will do it. I'll surpervise :grin:

Deleted member 9966

thanks for the offer Dom. I'll ring you tomorrow if I need it. Hubby still hasn't emptied the furniture out of the room yet :mad2:

thanks again for the offer of the wallpaper stripper Dom but thankfully, we didn't need it! :hurray: it was that annoying paper that has a vinyl overlaying a paper backing. managed to get all the vinyl off just by pulling at it, and then soaked the backing paper and the whole lot just came away from the wall within 15 minutes! easiest stripping I've ever done :lol:

I now know why it was paper though. Somebody had the foresight to paint half height of the wall with the darkest purple paint you've ever seen and then some other numpty decided to try and scrape it all off and took big chunks out of the plaster :mad2: hubby has had some fun filling and patching the big dips and we also tried Polycell's Smoothover stuff, which worked better than expected but not brilliantly.

So after 3 years of naf wallpaper, a brown cord carpet and not a lot else, Baby GRR now has smooth barley white dulux'd walls, a nice white ceiling, and a lovely carpet on order to be fitted later on this week. Oh and we have also started re-painting the family crib :yesnod:

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