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Discuss finally about to take the plunge but would like some feedback on what i'm planning in the Tilers' Talk - All Other Countries area at



Hi all,

Well i've finally done it and made my course booking at BAL for May in Bristol. I havn't posted since I joined the forums last year but have been an avid reader pretty much everyday.I was tempted to make a start without even going on a course(the information on here is so good) but then I figured there are things that I need to know that can only be taught hands on.
Anyways, the reason for the thread is this-from reading a lot of the posts it seems that the preparation of a lot of the jobs is the most time consuming, dirty and probably frustrating part of the job and one of the most crucial aspects of getting a proper final finish? I am seriously thinking of basing my business on mainly tile preparation, i.e. tile removal, levelling,tanking,boxing in, minor plumbing,pipe capping etc....obviously with some tile fixing too-similar to what the guys who do tile drilling but on the prep side of things. I have already figured out(or have an idea on) some things, what and how to charge,costs of waste disposal but wanted to see if you folks think that this is a viable option? I am lucky in that I live in a very prosperous area of London so think that with the right marketing could make it work plus the start up costs would not be huge(I hate costs!)
Thats the basics of my idea so any feedback (or bookings!) would be appreciated and thank you to all of you for a great site.



hiya Fekin :thumbsup: read most of your posts.......I am that obvious?!?

seriously though, i figured that the prep side is one that a lot of tile fixers struggle with, could be not being sure how to price up/confidence doing the right job or simply not having the time with other work on. would it be useful to have someone go in, do the prep so all that is left is to fix? less prep for you therefore more jobs per week/! more money.

thanks for you reply!



You may be onto something especially living in an affluent area. Although personally I far prefer to do the whole job including the tiling. I suspect many tilers like to do their own preparation as this makes it easier to guarantee their work . Who would be responsible if their were problems with tiles lifting, grout cracking etc? You or the tiler? I hate preparation, prefering the creative aspect of tiling and the satisfaction of seeing the finished job. Even though I hate preparation I would rather do it myself, so I know its done to the standard I require.
I think you would on balance be better off doing prep and tiling. The customers will like it and you might even make more money.
Good luck, just take the plunge and do the whole job including tiling.:thumbsup:


I personally couldn't see it working out as just a wall prep business, as wall prep is part and parcle of tiling really.

Fair enough there will always be some tiliers who don't like doing prep work, but generally I can't see a customer being happy bringing in another trademan into the loops just to get their kitchen tiled, when near enough every single tiler in the country does their own prep work.

The only real prep work I can see a tiler not doing is a full plaster job before hand, so a plasterer is then brought in.
Dry walling is another that some tilers don't like to do, but their mainly the new guys.

Tile removal, while not really the best way to enjoy your day, it is something either the customer does to save money, or the tiler gets paid for doing.

Bringing in someone just for domestic prep work can only really lead to problems for the tiler and customer if the prep work isn't good enough, as the tiler will know what he\she wants and needs doing and if it isn't done propperly and the tiling fails for whatever reason then it becomes a blame game and the poor customers stuck in the middle.

Fair enough, it's a good idea in some ways, but not really practical, but I could well be proven wrong.

If you go ahead and try, then good luck mate :thumbsup:

Reply to finally about to take the plunge but would like some feedback on what i'm planning in the Tilers' Talk - All Other Countries area at

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